Who is the Board?

The Castlewood Ranch Board is comprised of five (5) homeowners that own homes in the community.

They aren’t paid for the work they do; they are your neighbors and their role on the Board is to provide support and direction for Castlewood Ranch’s association management company as our community grows and evolves over time.

Is there a pool?

Several years ago, a community election was held to determine support for the construction of a community swimming pool.  The majority of residents voted against constructing a pool for several reasons.  Construction and maintenance costs would require a substantial dues increase (more than double the monthly dues) as well as an assessment that owners would have to pay to cover the full cost of the land and pool’s construction.

Who takes care of the common area landscape?
Irrigated turf is mowed once a week May-September, and twice a month in April and October.  Much of CWR’s common area is native grass, which is not irrigated. Native grass is mowed three times per growing season to a length of 3”-5”. “Beauty bands” are mowed edges along trails and are cut eight times yearly. The native grass along Lantern and Mitchell next to the sidewalks is mowed thirteen times per year. Edging is done on turf thirteen times per season, and on native areas along sidewalks six times a year.
The HOA landscape company clears trash in the common areas. Throughout the year, trash is cleared one time in April, on mowing days during growing season, and one time in the Fall. This does not include pet waste; pet waste stations are monitored once a week by the landscaping company.
Unfortunately, there are a number of non-landscaping related variables that contribute to trash accumulating in our common areas, including drivers, school children as well as overstuffed residential trash and recycling containers. As a result, some of our residents pick up trash in the common areas on a regular basis. As this non-landscaping trash is not collected, we can help keep common areas cleaner by managing how we pack trash and recycling receptacles at our homes and when we put them out on the street for collection, which should be on the morning that trash is collected.

Can I park a camper, RV, trailer, commercial vehicle in the community?

No boat, camper (on or off supporting vehicles), trailer, tractor, truck (ether than a 3/4-ton or smaller pick-up truck not used for commercial purposes), towed trailer unit, motorcycle, snowmobiles, disabled, junk, or abandoned vehicles, motor home, mobile home, camper, recreational vehicle, or any other vehicle, the primary purpose of which is recreational, sporting, or commercial use, shall be parked or stored in, on, or about any Site or street within the Community Area, except within the attached garages or unless such vehicles are concealed from view in a location which is first approved by the Design Review Committee. Any vehicle which has external lettering or signage that gives the appearance of being a vehicle used in connection with a commercial enterprise or business shall be deemed to be a vehicle the primary purpose of which is commercial use.

I got a violation letter, who reported me?
There are several ways that violations are reported. Like most other homeowner association management companies, our Castlewood Ranch association management company has an inspector whose job is to drive the neighborhood to ensure that homeowners are in compliance with current covenants and guidelines. If a home is not in compliance, the inspector submits the violation report.
Other homeowners may also submit a written complaint when they see that a neighbor is not in compliance with covenants and guidelines.

My neighbor has excessive weeds. Are they receiving violations?

Although we are not permitted to discuss the details of other homeowners’ accounts, our inspector has more than likely noticed your neighbor’s weeds, and they have entered the violation process. If you are still concerned, you are welcome to send a written complaint that includes date stamped photographs, upon receipt of all pertinent our association management will send a letter. Complaints are not anonymous; if an owner requests this information during a hearing, it will be provided.

What do I need to do to make a change to my property?
Any exterior modification, addition or alteration to your home including landscaping requires prior DRC approval. Examples include gazebos, awnings, driveway extensions, decks, dog runs, exterior lighting, fencing, hot tubs, greenhouses, patio covers, play structures, pools, shutters, solar installations and statues.
The Design Guidelines were revised in 2018 and 2021. They can be found on the HOA Portal and in the Documents section.

How do I obtain the Governing Documents for the Association?

The Governing Documents for the Association are available through this website under the “Documents” section.

What color do I stain my fence and where can I obtain the stain for the fences?

Fences throughout the Association must be stained Beachwood, a color originally by KWAL paint, on both sides.  KWAL was purchased by Sherwin Williams a few years ago.  The Beachwood stain may be obtained at the Sherwin Williams on Plum Creek in Castle Rock. Alternatively, you are permitted to color match the solid wood color stain and utilize another brand.

How do I make a Dues payment?
Payments for your monthly dues can be mailed to:
PO BOX 93503
LAS VEGAS NV 89193-3503
Colorado Property Management
19751 E. Mainstreet, Suite 275
Parker, CO 80138
Office – (303)841-8658
Fax – (303)840-3881
Email – info@the-cpms.com

What do my Dues include?

The dues that you pay monthly include trash/recycle service, common area landscape, common area snow removal and insurance.

Credit Counseling/Foreclosure Assistance Information

You have the right to seek credit counseling at your own expense to assist with managing your financial obligations and to understand the consequences of foreclosure.  Resources for credit counseling services can be found on the HOA information and resource center’s website or through nonprofit organizations approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) at: https://www.hud.gov/

How do I replace my mailbox?
Castlewood Ranch standard product can be ordered from Gaines Mfg. Inc. www.gainesmfg.com. Their Office Hours are  7:30am – 4:30pm Paci Time MON-FRI and can be reached at (858) 486-7100 Ext: 112  (858) 486-7855 OR (Fax) Visit www.gainesdirect.com for a full website.  When you call, indicate you are a resident of Castlewood Ranch and they will provide the product information to you for the Janzer products.
The mailbox for the Association is JB-TPE.  You are not required to use this vendor, however, if you choose to utilize a different vendor the mailbox the mailbox must match exactly, including lettering.

How long do I have to remove snow?
Homeowners must clear snow and ice from sidewalks if snowfall is greater than 2”. Homeowners have 48 hours from the end of the snow event to clear their sidewalks.  If your house is on a corner, you must clear the front and side sidewalks. Primary streets such as Mikelson Boulevard are cleared first by the Town of Castle Rock. Then the Town removes snow from residential streets when snowfall is 4” or greater (11-15 to 3-15) and 8” or greater (in warmer weather, 3-15 to 11-15).  (See www.crgov.com) for more details regarding snow removal and to follow (Plow Tracker.) A center passable lane is cleared on residential streets.
Castlewood Ranch HOA – Snow Removal Map
Be in the know about snow in Castle Rock – click HERE
Snow Removal Routes and Schedules – click HERE
Snow Removal Information and Safety Tips – click HERE
Certain sidewalks and trails are cleared by the HOA’s landscape company when snowfall reaches 2”. (see the HOA) Snowfall Removal Map. Though some sidewalks fall within our community, they are cleared by other agencies. Sidewalks by Matney Park are cleared by the Town, and sidewalks by Flagstone Elementary School are cleared by school maintenance.

What can we do about pet waste?

The community provides pet waste stations which are monitored weekly. Dog owners are responsible for picking up their pet’s waste. Failure to do so is a covenant violation as well as a Town ordinance violation. Pet waste is becoming an excessive problem in our common areas. Rotting pet waste impacts the environment and is a biohazard to humans, pets and wildlife. If excessive waste continues to be a problem, the HOA may expend dues funds to remove it regularly to keep our community safe and healthy for us all to play, walk pets and recreate.

Who is responsible for the roads and sidewalks?

While the roads and sidewalks fall within our community, the Town of Castle Rock is responsible for maintaining and repairing all of our roads and sidewalks. Potholes and uneven sidewalks can be reported on the town’s website – www.crgov.com.